Anissa Daimally: Letter Channeling an Artist

Dearest Michael Puchberg,

My beloved friend, I know I haven’t written to you in what seems like ages. I’m terribly sorry for this. From composing to travelling, I have not had a minute to myself. It seems that I have been writing this letter for days, but every time that I sat down with the pen in my hand, another errand came up that had to be taken care of. Well you now have my complete devotion. I have heard that you are doing well in Vienna with the textile business. It seems that there has been a high demand for the goods, and you are profiting well. I am very happy for your good fortune.

As you may have heard, I am in Berlin to play before the King of Prussia, Frederic II. What an honor this is to play in the royal court! I shall surely hope to secure a position in this royal court as the musical composer.

My loving brother, I shall now get to the point as to why I am writing to you. I need to ask you for a great favor. I am only coming to you since I feel as if you are my own and that I can trust you dearly. I need 2000 flourins to pay off my expenses and to sustain a living. With these monetary problems in mind, I am not able to fully concentrate on my pieces. If you were to lend me this sum of money, my mind would be cleared and I would be able to earn more money. My brother, you know that I am very reliable and trustworthy. I will pay you as soon as possible, so you should not worry.

I know this seems like a great sum of money, but if you were truly my friend, you would do this favor. This is a very embarrassing situation for me, and I only came to you because I consider us brothers. I know you are a man who will help out those who are in serious need.

I beg you my friend, my brother, please give me a helping hand and lend me this money. You would be keeping me off the streets and thus promoting the compositions of my music. I promise you will never regret it. I shall pray that you have received this letter and have made the decision to lend me the money.


Forever Your Brother,

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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