Ashley Haynes: Artist’s Letter to a Friend

Dearest of Friends,

It touched me dearly to hear from a friendly voice. Not many people still believe that there is still any good in me. I just hope that you understand why it isn’t until now that I have replied. Every time I have settled down, I have had to seek new refuge.

I understand that taking matters into my own hands when I took the life of Ranuccio was unacceptable, but I had truly reached my breaking point. No matter how hard I try someone is trying to dampen my success. The controversy that has come to fuel my success is now only starting to ignite my personal turmoil.

I just want to be an artist, use art as an outlet for my emotions and viewpoints. Why is it that I am wrong in perceiving the Virgin Mary with a swollen belly and bared legs? Is it only acceptable to do what is perceived as safe and simply draw the Virgin Mary compassionately coddling baby Jesus. I am only human, I only long to express my faculties.

However, after using my time on the run as a time for reflection, I have come to realize that I just need to keep surging forward. Not all hope is lost. Yes it seems as though people have lost all inhibition to recognize me for my prowess as an artist rather than my personal shortcomings, but that isn’t the chronicle of my life.

When the award that I received in Malta into the Order as a Knight of Justice was stripped away, I simply used that as motivation to only create better work. I figure it is only a matter of time before people finally give in and realize I am more than what my personal shortcomings lead people on to believe. Thus, while in Naples I returned to painting by creating the “Madonna of the Rosary” for a fellow painter and later “The Seven Works of Mercy” for the church of Pio Chapel of Monte del la Misericordia. Currently in Malta, I am working on a painting depicting my interpretation of the beheading of St. John the Baptist for the cathedral in Valletta.

It is only my hope that you come to visit me soon while I still reside in Malta, although temporarily. I long to discuss my upcoming works as well as yours over a cup of coffee. It is truly thanks to companions like you that I am able to continue to coexist with so many who constantly chastise me. It is because of friends like you that I hope there will come a time in my life when I will be able to channel all of my pain and combativeness into a more productive outlet such as my paintings alone.

I know I can rise above all of the misconceptions I have been labeled with. I know that I have the capability; I know there is more to life than simply being in constant fear for my life. I want to be able to be appreciated for my gift as an artist, which speaks more volumes of my true nature than anything else.

Your Loyal Friend,

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio


P.S. Write soon as to when you will be able to come. I will be patiently awaiting your arrival.

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