Deanna Maravel-Artist’s Letter

Deanna Maravel

The Arts in New York City

Professor Graff

1 November 2012


Mozart Styled Letter

Dearest little wife,

I write to you from the bottom of my heart. Oh how I miss you! Things have been so hectic over here, and I offer you my sincerest apologies for not writing sooner. My days have been long and filled with many a sleepless night. I pray that I grace your thoughts as much as you do mine. It has been so lonely over here without you and the children to brighten things up. I hope this letter finds you all in good health. Make sure to give the children a kiss from me. Alas I will keep this letter short as I am having lunch with the Archduke Franz to discuss an inquiry I had posted a month ago. If all goes well, then I must remain here in Vienna but don’t fret! This wonderful opportunity will hopefully be the key to all of our financial troubles! When I find the time, I shall send you a note on the results.  A thousand kisses to you, my dear.

Your Ever-loving Husband,



Dearest friend Franz,

I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for the loan you have given me. This small sum of 100 florins has made a world of difference to me, and I will be forever indebted to you. You are a true friend, coming to my rescue in my desperate time of need. I’m still so ashamed that I had let myself slip into a situation such as that, but it is now over as a result of your wonderful help! It is much to my despair that I shall not be able to return the favor as quickly as I thought. Hard times have struck, and unfortunately, this lovely gift was unable to cover all of the expenses. No worries though! I promise to keep my word, and you will receive your payment as soon as I can get my next salary. I wish you all the very best!

Your Grateful Friend,



Dearest Daughter,

Just writing to inform you that your Brother is doing exceptionally well at the moment. I could not be more proud of him. Seeing his opera played to the joy of hundreds of listeners brings tears to my eyes. If he maintains this wonderful level of hard work, then he shall never fall into the pit of despair I have found myself trapped in quite a few times. Give my love to the rest of the family. I will write as soon as I reach my next destination.


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