I Shot NY

This class has really opened my eyes to both the various arts and art outlets of New York City! I find myself spending more and more time on the computer looking at blogs and various articles. While on the Internet, I came across the blog I Shot NY. This blog is a New York based, but not excusive, photography blog. It’s logo includes the words “I Shot NY” in the shape of a camera, with hands strategically placed to appear to be taking a photo. I immediately fell in love with the creativity of this name and logo design!

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The blog is simple, black, white, and easy to navigate. On the home page, you are shown large images; these are album covers. When you click on one, the whole album is accessible. Clicking on a tab will open the album, and a short comment or explanation appears under the album title. I love reading captions because they give me insight into the mind of the artist (Maybe what he was thinking about when he took these photos!). The albums are organized very neatly and simply; this makes for easy viewing of the photographs. Not only is this site enjoyable to view, but also very organized.


There are several tabs on top to help you filter through the many posts. The first tab will take you to the home page, as will clicking on the logo in the upper right corner. By hovering your mouse over the second tab, a drop down menu with subcategories will appear. Selecting one of these will open a page with more albums, but specific to the theme you have chosen. The other tabs include his portfolio, music, bio, and contact information. I found it very interesting that a music tab was included, as this blog is photography based. This section includes links (to both listen and download) mix tapes that were compiled by Julian Goldstein, author of the blog.


In case you aren’t sure what you really want to look at, a “random” button can be found at the upper right hand corner of the home page. When you click this button, nine random albums will appear. These slide down and up, not interrupting the page of the blog that you were on. This button is an easy way to explore the site without going through the many tabs and categories.

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A majority of the photographs that are posted are of items or horizons, but some photographs are portraits. Most portray natural, everyday occurrences. Looking at his photos, I get mixed emotions. I feel like anyone can take these photos, yet, if I tried, they would not be half as striking. He takes photos from different distances and angles. This causes viewers to change their perspectives a little. In his photos, beauty lies within his simplicity.

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Julian Goldstein is the photographer of this blog. He was born in 1985, and the bio tab gives a brief description of his schooling and work. Goldstein, being educated in Manhattan and the Bronx, has always kept his roots in the city.


It appears that this blog has not been updated since January 2012, which is a shame as I really enjoyed looking through his posts. A majority of his photos include apparel or items with “ONLY.” printed onto them. After doing some digging, I found that he is a co-founder of the company titled ONLY., which produces men’s clothes, hats, and accessories. This line is also New York based.


I Shot NY is hosted through Word Press and requires blog viewers to login to post a comment. There are no ads explicitly featured, but Goldstein’s ONLY. company is advertised indirectly. The bottom of the website shows a link bar identical to the one at the top. This bar allows audiences to access links to major social networking sites, such as, Flickr, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook.


I find myself slowing falling in love with the arts of New York City, especially the photographs! It’s so easy to miss the beauty of New York when walking the streets simply because it’s overwhelming! Looking at these pictures has changed my perspective and given me an eye for art; I see art everywhere I turn now! I may not be able to capture the images as well as Goldstein, perhaps, but I definitely can appreciate it!