Education Barclays as a Classroom

A group of ninth graders were taken to the Barclays Center for a hockey game between the New York Islanders and the Detroit Red Wings. The purpose of this trip was to learn about the history of the historic area in Brooklyn. The students realized what a central part of Brooklyn the Barclays Center is and how much it symbolizes. After doing research, the students learned that the building the arena there caused a great upheaval in the community there and forced many people to sacrifice their homes. The students created blogs about how the development of Barclays and its sports center shaped not only Brooklyn, but the world. The project brought to light the essence of the Barclay Center. ‘“If there’s one message I want kids to understand, it’s dreaming big and reaching as high up as you can,” Mr. Yormark said in an interview, “and the Barclays Center embodies that.”

Source: Chaban, Matt A. “Barclays Center in Brooklyn Becomes a Classroom.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 Feb. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

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