Art Brooklyn as a Canvas

Compiled into a Tumblr blog, An Ongoing Photographic Survey of Downtown Brooklyn offers an unbiased look at the development of Downtown Brooklyn over the course of six years. Spanning from 2010-2016, the photographs presented cover a range of characteristics unique to the area, each accompanied by a title and location. Utilizing Tumblr, a medium typically populated by young adult users, allows the photographers to reach a young demographic and offer a nonpolitical viewpoint of the increasingly gentrified area. Snapshots of construction overwhelm the visual discussion, though pedestrians, storefronts, dogs, and glimpses inside buildings make it into the mix as well. Due to the variety of scenes captured for worldwide audiences, it appears as though the photographers sought to present Downtown Brooklyn as authentically as possible, snapping pictures of whatever caught their eye. As presented through the blog, Brooklyn adopts a vibrant character, resistant to change yet wholeheartedly accepting its fate. Removed from political or mass media representation, Brooklyn becomes just like any other neighborhood; the area is no longer held up on a pedestal of gentrification but becomes unique in its own right, independent of the need for change many outsiders impose.  

Source: Gunhouse, Carl,  Jason John Würm, Matthew Schenning, and Maureen Drennan. An Ongoing Photographic Survey of Downtown Brooklyn. 2010. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

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