P.S. 023

 P.S. 023 Richmondtown

Basic Information

Location: 30 Natick Street Staten Island, NY 10306

Contact Information: 718-351-1155

Website: http://schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/31/R023/default.htm

Grades: K, 0K, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, SE

School Population Size: 490



The Richmond School is an Elementary school with 524 Students from Pre-Kindergarten through the fifth grade. The school population comprises of 3% Black, 13% Hispanic, 82% White, and 2% Asian students. Boys account for 52% of the students enrolled and girls account for 48%. The average attendance rate for the school year 2010-2011 was 95.5%.

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School Performance- 2013 Exam Scores

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In 2013, P.S. 023 Richmondtown’s average score on the ELA State examwas 2.85. This was higher than the average overall citywide test score for Elementary schools in 2013. Compared to other schools in the city serving students with similar characteristics, P.S. 023 Richmondtown’s average score was statistically similar.


          In 2013, P.S. 023 Richmondtown’s average score on the Math State exam 3.17. This was higher than the average overall citywide test score for Elementary schools in 2013. Compared to other schools in the city serving students with similar characteristics, P.S. 023 Richmondtown’s average score was statistically similar.

Common Core Learning Standards

In July 2010, New York State adopted the Common Core Learning Standards. This new program has stirred much debate among educational faculty and parents alike. The Common Core standards claim to encourage creativity, spark critical thinking, advance equity, employ collaboration, and get kids college ready. It aims to simplify and clarify state standards. Criticism of the program argues that material for grades K through 3 are developmentally inappropriate. Also, that the mandated skills assume that all children develop and learn at the same rate and in the same way. Part of the problem may be that early childhood experts and educators did not participate in the creation of these standards.

To learn more about the Common Core standards, ask your child’s teacher or visit the Common Core library online: http://schools.nyc.gov/academics/commoncorelibrary/default.htm

To hear further criticism of the Common Core standards, visit:



