
Total Population- 144,159
48.4 %- Male
51.6% – Female
Total households- 29,327
# family households- 20,610s

Bensonhurst has the second highest immigrant population out of all five boroughs. 54% of the population is foreign born, equaling approximately 77,682 people. Of those foreign born people, 41% come from China, 8% are from Italy and Russia respectively, 6% from Ukraine, 5% from Mexico, with other small percentages from Pakistan, Belarus, Poland, Ecuador, and Albania. 21% of the foreign born population are from a variety of other countries. From 2007, the population of foreign born have increased by 4 percent, a stark contrast from almost all other neighborhoods that lost foreign born population. The growth seen Joe Salvo’s presentation (below) is extremely prevalent in the community.

Joe Salvo Presentation from Aaron Kendall
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