
“We are not an Italian American community, Asian American community, Russian or Latino community, we are the Bensonhurst community.” -Marnee Elias-Pavia District Manager of Community Board 11


Interviews are an integral part of the exploration process. By solely analyzing census data and observing the neighborhood, issues such as racial tensions may go undetected. It is crucial to hear residents opinions as well as the perspectives of community leaders such as the District Manager of the community board to get a holistic view of the area. Each interviewee brought up interesting points about the community, its diversity, attractions, and how residents interact with each other that are not otherwise apparent. 



District Manager of the community board 11 in Brooklyn (which encompasses all of Bensonhurst plus sections of Gravesend, Mapleton and BathBeach) Marnee Elias-Pavia and Chairman Bill Guarinello at the start of a community board meeting. 



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