Christoper W: Former Resident

Christopher, a 17 year old student at Baruch College and former resident of Bensonhurst was able to provide valuable insight about the community. 

When asked about the diversity of the neighborhood and how groups from different cultures interact with one another:

“There is a lot of diversity present but for the most part everyone sticks to their own groups. However, that is starting to change with the younger generation but the neighborhood is not fully integrated yet.” 

When asked about demographic and community change over the past couple of decades:

“The neighborhood is changing for the better. The younger generation is creating greater tolerance.” 

Christopher then shared a brief story. When his family decided to move out of the community about five years ago to be closer to his high school the older Italian neighbors displayed resistance to the family selling the house to a Chinese family. This just supports the idea that although Bensonhurst is moving in the right direction with regards to racial tolerance, tensions between the older generation of Italians and any other infiltrating group still exists. 


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