Written by irwingorodetsky

The Splendid Realization of the American Dream How America had become a savior and a home - Michelle Zhang by Irwin

The Splendid Realization of the American Dream How by irwingorodetsky

Michelle’s story is rather inspiring and even a classical representation of the American Dream. It was only proper to find the reasons why Michelle’s parents left home. A harsh story began to unfold when she spoke of the family’s condition there. Her father would work from sun up to sun down, breaking rocks in the vast mountains of China, with only a half hour break to have some lunch. It becomes evident that Michelle’s family needed a better life, just as much as they would have wanted one. Michelle described it herself as a “basic survival want” rather than just wanting to come here.  It’s only realistic for this to be the case when amongst six siblings, Michelle’s father found himself hungry with not enough food to go around. Everyone should be entitled to basic rights, such as that to not go hungry, and China was not the place that could assure this. Michelle described these conditions as “torture”, and rightfully so.

Although America was not the initial destination, it was and still is the final destination. Michelle’s father initially moving to Paris, and her mother to Holland, they eventually made it here to the States. Interestingly, never to return to their homeland. Although one person in the family did, and for what purpose continues tin alignment with the family’s ethic and aspirations. As a baby, Michelle was sent to live back at home with her grandmother whilst her parents worked here. It is obvious that her family was willing to put in any amount of work and effort to ensure better lives for their own, even if it meant being apart for their child. But it was for this very child that they were putting in all these hours of work, but now not for fifteen dollars a day to break their backs, but to actually live comfortably, now being actualized with the ability in America to make something of oneself, through much hard work and tenaciousness.

Despite aligning with the America’s main motto of Self-Realization of the American Dream, Michelle’s family also had to make decisions on how much they want to integrate and assimilate into American culture. Being in the country for over twenty years in the country, learning the language was imperative, even to the point of Michelle’s mother going to night classes for English after a full day’s work, essentially with no energy, barely being able to make her eyes stay open, all to be able to better integrate and succeed in America. Other than the language, Michelle described relatively conserved values from the old country. Although her parents are extremely family oriented, which is beyond visible, they remain rather reserved. No presents on Christmas, or on birthdays, at family gatherings not speak if not spoken too, otherwise to be met with the “harsh stare” of her mother. Although in this country for so long, some values of China remain to be preserved, while concurrently integrating into the culture of the land in language, living, and lifestyle. This is a balance very common among immigrants, and first generation citizens, evident in my own family as well. It is inevitable that assimilation will increase and increase from generation to generation, all while staying about the values of her ancestors.

Michelle tells a story of great journeys surmounted by her parents. America is said to be the land of opportunity, and Michelle’s story proves rightfully so. From back breaking and seemingly never ending labor of her father, his and Michelle’s mother’s journey to America, from Holland and France to here finally, America had to be justified with a better life for them and their children. Through much hardship with no language and landing in a new nation with determination and hard work, Michelle’s family, finally is able to live comfortably now. Having learned the language, going to American schools, working American jobs. Michelle’s family somewhat assimilated and integrated. Yet, the values of the old country remain, her parents are very serious, and very traditional in the values  they place on themselves and children, despite being family oriented and working all those hours, and going through all that hardship for them, all for them. Michelle and her family represent the realization of the American dream, the melting pot and the extravagant freedom of the land, they have rose from poverty to comfortable living, and all while integrating into American culture and still retaining their cultural values, which is only to be embraced by peers, friends, and fellow Americans.


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