


交完钱就进去了。我拿着学生票。妈妈拿着成人票。一共付了四十五块钱。进去以后很快就找到一个没有人的地方。我们爬了很多楼梯上了万寿山(Wànshòushān )。爬到一个小亭子。那儿有一个老头和老太太坐着聊天儿。我们跟他们聊了以会儿。

We walked along a stone paved road and got to the building with lots of Buddhas carved in the wall, called Zhīhuìhǎi, 智惠海. Past that, we stopped by a nice view point of the main temple, Fóxiānggé 佛香阁, in the park and took some pictures. We came across a little rest stop and ate some of our snacks. Before I sat down, a stray cat kept walking between my feet so I couldn’t move for a bit for fear of it scratching or biting me. Eventually, I got away with shins covered in cat hair. After our snack, we walked down the mountain and ended up at a really cool part carved into the mountain over looking 昆明湖. It was under construction the last time I came to China, so I wasn’t able to go. It was great that we got there so early because there were very few people. We took lots of pictures there continued west and made it to the lake and the other gate. We walked to the 北宫门 and bought a cool magnet for 15 RMB along the way.

When we got out of the park, we took a taxi back home and managed to make it back before lunch. We ate noodles for lunch at 12:30pm.

~ end of entry, 9:15am, July 14th, Bullet Train to 青岛 (Qingdao)