
After breakfast, Mom and I got ready to bike to 五道口. We left around 8:30am. First we biked to Hepinglibeijie to Hepinglidongjie to Qingniangou, which turned into Huansidajie. This street turns a bit and intersects with Andingmenwaidajie. We saw Gulouwaidajie next, which was a wide street running North-South – very easy to bike on. We biked north on it until it turned into Beichen Lu after we crossed the 3rd city loop (Sanhuan). We kept going until we saw the Bird’s Nest, and had to rid back to Beitucheng West Road to figure out a way to cross the 4th city loop (Sihuan). It started getting very confusing and we ended up going on the highway for a while before somehow looping around and under the Sihuan to Huayuan East Road. From there we biked further north to Zhixing Lu where we turned West and rode all the way to 五道口  subway station. We arrived around 11:30am. After parking my bike under the overpass of the subway station, we went to KFC to rest a bit. We began biking back slowly. For part of the way, Mom biked while I sat on the back. It was very shaky though and took some getting used to. If the road was too hard to ride on or if we had to cross the street, it was necessary to stop and walk across. At least, we figured out an easier way to get past Sihuan. We took Chenfu Lu which turns in to Zhixin Lu, then took Xueyuan Lu to Zhichun Lu. Xueyuan Lu had a direct underpass under Sihuan, so it was much more efficient to go this way. Zhichun Lu becomes Beitucheng Lu as you go east. Along this road, Mom rode the bike while I ran beside her. This road was actually right along a park, so it was quite a pleasant ride. From the rest of Beitucheng Lu and Gulouweidajie to Huansidajie, I rode the bike with Mom sitting on the back.

When we got to Huangsidajie, Mom got off the bike and took Bus #123 to home, while I biked the rest of the way. I saw Mom on the bus while I was biking on Hepinglibeijie. We got home around the same time – just in time for lunch at 12:30pm. I took a quick shower before eating and enjoyed the meal immensely. After lunch, I rested until 1:30pm then went to meet the ISA crew at Guloudajie on the Line 2 Subway. Once I met up with them at Exit B, we walked to a hutong which led to Houhai (Back Lack). I realized that I had been here once before – seven years ago with my uncle at night. We walked around the whole lake, taking pictures and occasionally stopping to observe the activities and shopkeepers preparing for the night scene. Around 4pm, I left with Chenxi, Myles, and Nydia to the Line 2 station. I got home in no time at all – although the walk from Line 2 to Bus #104 was a bit long.

~ end of entry, 7:20pm, June 26th, Living room table