

~ end of entry, July 5th, Living room table


At 1am Wednesday morning, I got very sick. I had high fever (about 39˚C/102˚F), headache, nausea – the whole set. I stayed in bed most of the day and went to the hospital in the afternoon. They took some blood from my finger with a special needle and straw. It cost 51.50元. While I waited for the test results, my mom picked up some of my grandma’s medicine and took care of her business. In the end, the doctor recommended that I take an IV. I sat in a room with a bunch of other people with my same problem – all with needles stuck in their wrists with whatever IV drip was prescribed to them. I had salt water and some type of antibiotics with medicine to lower fever. The other people didn’t see very sick at all – they were all chatting away like nothing was happening, while I was sitting there dying from a high fever.

Thursday, I felt much better – I could actually walk about and my fever went down. I can only eat porridge and mantou for the next couple of days and I have to take lots of different pills. Two pills of antibiotics, three pills for helping the stomach, and a drink for diarrhea problems. I missed class yesterday and today, but I think I can at least get some studying done today so I won’t be too far behind.

~ end of entry 4:57pm, Living room table