
During our time in Hong Kong, we experienced a bit of how my cousin 过日子. She works for an airline and her husband is a social worker. Breakfast…

Arrival in Hong Kong

My mom did the heavy lifting of all the planning for this trip. We decided to first fly to Hong Kong since the plane tickets were cheaper (by…

More Adventures

Hello! Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to type up the rest of my journal at the moment! My written journal is quite comprehensive and I haven’t found…

Day 32 – Yonghegong

七月一号,星期日 After making a cover for a foam cushion with the the sewing machine, Mom and I went to 东四 to pick up the pants and shirt we…

Day 26 – Bike to 五道口 and Houhai Tour

六月二十五号,星期一 After breakfast, Mom and I got ready to bike to 五道口. We left around 8:30am. First we biked to Hepinglibeijie to Hepinglidongjie to Qingniangou, which turned into…

Day 10 – Wangfujing

Saturday, June 9th Since it was the weekend, it would be unwise to go sightseeing unless it was early in the day. Mom and I decided to go…

Days 8 & 9 – Rest, Chores, and IKEA

Thursday and Friday, June 7th and 8th Didn’t do much Thursday – just helped with some chores around the house. My mom and Eryi went to IKEA to…

Day 3 – Visit to Tsinghua

Saturday, June 2nd 2012 My mom and I had woken up around 4:30 am. She didn’t know I was awake though, so she left to take a walk…

Day 2 – Arrival

Friday, June 1st 2012 The flight was extremely exhausting. We left one hour late and I sat between two middle-aged women from China. Most of the people were…