The Upper East Side of Manhattan is home to the fabulously wealthy, glamorous and magnificent. It is a neighborhood where only those who has “made it” are able to call a piece of property their own. As you walk down the street, meticulously manicured poodles pass by, followed by their confidently strutting owners in floor length fur coats. The dripping wealth and prestige may be a draw back for some. This however, lures me in to the mysterious life of the Upper East Side. Subtly, I look into the marble entrances where doormen stand in freshly pressed uniforms, warmly escorting their patrons from car to the door labeled “private residences.” I glance into the glossy windows of high-end stores on Madison Avenue, pondering the price tag on the few items gloriously showcased within. I stop for a taxi that drops off two incredibly wealthy heirs who effortlessly float into the closest designer boutique, not at all affected by their choice of costly transportation. As I walk down any street I find myself gawking at the detail and architecture, and only dreaming of the glamorous happenings inside. The Upper East Side is quieter than most neighborhoods in Manhattan. There is an unspoken rule about all being perfect and peaceful from the walls of the Plaza, to the residents of 5th Avenue overlooking expansive Central Park, to the Whitney Museum of American Art and all the other over $8000 per square foot of the Upper East Side. The elegance, wealth and grace that is contained by this neighborhood of New York City is unmatched worldwide. Although it is unreachable for most, it is not forbidden to dream of this movie lifestyle brought to reality along the streets of the Upper East Side.

– Kristy Timms

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