Week 6

In the basement of a building owned NYU, there exists the only Chick-fil-A in the entirety of New York City. Located at 5 University Place, just northeast of Washington Square Park. Now, I’m not bemoaning the lack of their vaguely disgusting chicken sandwiches. I wonder if the CEO knows that his store has been built in what was originally NYU’s LGBTQ center? The basement dining hall of NYU was a place where the school organized dances for gay and lesbian students, and when they were canceled, thousands of students organized a sit-in there.


Aside from really loving the irony, I think this speaks to the growth of the LGBTQ community within both NYU as a school, the city, and the country. Now, perhaps it isn’t obvious from the building that these events occurred there. But to go and see the space that LGBTQ students once had to fight for, and compare it to the luxurious organized space they are given now – I can’t help but think that this dinky chain signifies a considerable step up.

Did I mention the irony?

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One Response to Week 6

  1. Mike says:

    That’s great – I love it!

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