Author Archives: Aliza Selter

Research Paper Outline

Imagine waking up to the sounds of chirping birds, walking by your favorite store while smelling the aromatic blooming flowers and drinking your coffee in the shade of large oak trees–all across from the subway station, in the center of … Continue reading

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A Soul for me & a Soul for you

Just 500 meters from my home are 1000 less trees, thousands of fewer birds and residing in their shade, and, worse of all, a newly disturbed tranquility. In its place are electrical wires and telephone poles, more than 30 enormous … Continue reading

Posted in Week 12 | 1 Comment


Secondary Sources: 1. “Community Gardens.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 03 June 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. This secondary source talks about the positive contributions that gardens give to a community, specifically the … Continue reading

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Topic Outline

In our Research we are willing to explore the Gardens in our neighborhood and their origins. Specifically our research questions are: why are gardens established within neighborhood and what effect/impact do they have on the community of the neighborhood? We … Continue reading

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Violence out of Fear or Supremacy?

I was shocked when I found out that my hometown, Wesley Hills, NY, had once actually banned the building of synagogues and other religious buildings. This neighborhood, attractive to large families and commuters to NYC, cherished their idealistic traditional and … Continue reading

Posted in Week 9 | Leave a comment

The red, vibrant 292 East 3rd street apartment between Avenue B and C of the Lower East Side completely took me by surprise by its unusual, non-traditional artistic entryway and placement along this quiet residential street. In addition to its … Continue reading

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Breaking up the Enclave

Ethnic enclaves can and should help transition immigrants into the States, but should be limited to ensure immigrants assimilate minimally and to settle into the America they came to. Ethnic groups contribute plenty to foreigners wishing to transition into a … Continue reading

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America–the Anorexic

How did a country with a past extreme malnutrition problem end up in the rich obesity pandemic? America’s “fight for food” says it all; America obsession for food, whether healthy or unhealthy, is still an obsession. America was consumed with … Continue reading

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White or Not? Think Again…

“100% Americanization.” I am growing up in America. My parents grew up here too. I am white. I am patriotic. There is not much that makes my appearance stand out from the typical ideal white Anglo Saxon except for maybe … Continue reading

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Building a Family

16 different cultures. One home. Differences in restrictions, culture, dress, and foods do not tear these cultures asunder. On the contrary, everyone is determined to contribute something from his or her own. Suketu Mehta’s “The Meltingest Pot,” which speaks about … Continue reading

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