Arts in New York City: Baruch College, Fall 2008, Professor Roslyn Bernstein
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Best on Earth

My collage project is entitled Best on Earth and it focuses on the life advice I go by, and just the philosophies I would say everyone should go by. I took magazines like “National Geographic,” “National Adventure,” “Cosmopolitan”and looked through the pages. I cut out the phrases/pictures I really liked and put them on an oak tag to create my collage.

I believe that a person has to be the best he can be, and do the best he can do. A person should strive to achieve the highest, and “dream out loud.” I think we should all aspire to our dreams and never let anything bring us down. As one of my pictures says, “the world can’t weigh you down when you’re standing on top of it. “

There are many chances that life gives you, and it is my belief that we should take a shot at the opportunities that come our way. We should all take risks, and learn from our mistakes. Live life to the fullest, as is represented by the pulse in the middle of my collage.  We need to explore, and sometimes even takes risks along the road.

The shape of a person in the middle of my collage represents that anyone could be there, any person and every person has those opportunities.  The box on the right, with a question inside, represents the uncertainties in life, and also shows that we all have to think ‘outside of the box.’ And another very important thing is that we need to learn to balance ourselves, balance work and fun, good and bad, and even sweet and salty. Smile, dream, achieve, and imagine!


1 Katie Alarcon { 12.18.08 at 4:10 pm }

Vicky, your collage was full of good advice. I think the word that can be used to describe your collage really is “Best”. You strive for your high grades to be the best. You work out and train regulary to be the best in volleyball. You inspire others to find some sort of motivation to “Drive” , “Serve a Purpose”. Your message is effective.

2 Keyana { 12.29.08 at 3:54 am }

I agree with Katie, it’s nice to see the things you value in life, practice, and follow. Very positive and inspiring!