Arts in New York City: Baruch College, Fall 2008, Professor Roslyn Bernstein
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Category — Waltz with Bashir

Trying to Remember

             Memory is a tricky thing. Not all the events that happen in our lives are retained in our memory. Those that manage to grad hold are vulnerable to manipulation, especially to the point where the memory no longer resembles the original. Then, there is the peculiar case of lost memories – events that we chose to forget, whether consciously or unconsciously, due to fear that we might discover something faulty within ourselves. Waltz with Bashir, a compelling film by Israeli director Ari Folman, explores the subject of memory and the complex journey of trying to remember. [Read more →]

November 11, 2008   Comments Off on Trying to Remember

Waltz with Bashir: Thought Provoking Glimpse into the Twisted Experience of an Israeli War Veteran

             Shown on October 2, 2008 at the 46th Annual New York Film Festival, Waltz with Bashir directed by Ari Folman tells the story of an Israeli war veteran as he struggles to recount his memories and experiences during the 1982 Lebanon War. His failure to recollect his entire experience turns into an obsession. Through his travels and discussions with former friends, psychologists, reporters, and comrades, the narrator attempts to piece together his broken memories during his time as a soldier.

             Despite the use of this unconventional medium, animation, director Ari Folman succeeds in depicting the story in which veterans of any war can relate to: Lebanese, Vietnam, or Iraq War. However, it doesn’t take any military experience or knowledge to be entranced with Folman’s autobiographical story. [Read more →]

November 9, 2008   1 Comment

Waltz With Bashir

We have all seen the horrific events that take place at the front lines during times of war. They have been depicted in countless films and documentaries about World War II and the holocaust, Vietnam, the Iraq War. No amount of movie productions can ever let us relive every story of every bloody conflict that our own human race has caused. Nonetheless, stories of war allow us to learn of our past mistakes as a people and show us the true flaws of mankind. In his new animated film, Waltz With Bashir, Ari Folman documents his experiences in the first Lebanese War and the 1982 massacre at Sabra and Shatila. Through artfully unique animation, intense research, and beautiful music, Folman creates a tragic and emotionally intense film. [Read more →]

November 3, 2008   Comments Off on Waltz With Bashir

Memories of a Forgotton Genocide

“Waltz with Bashir” is director Ari Folman’s autobiographical documentary about a soldier’s pilgrimage to remember his service in the first Lebanese war. Countless interviews with former comrades help to jog Folman’s memory; slowly bits and pieces of his experiences surface, finally culminating in the monumental realization that he played an active role in the 1982 massacre in Sabra and Shatila.


October 28, 2008   Comments Off on Memories of a Forgotton Genocide

Waltz with Bashir

Waltz with Bashir

Ari Folman’s film Waltz with Bashir is a bizarre and intriguing animated film regarding certain events that occurred during Folman’s life. The movie opens with the scene of menacing dogs, foaming at the mouth, running through the streets of an undisclosed city. This perplexing scene is just enough to spark the viewer’s interest. The film draws on the life of the director and the events that occur are so unreal, that it would be hard for anyone to fabricate them if they tried. While there are many humorous and dreamlike moments, the topic however, is very serious. The film deals with the idea that war really does have an adverse effect on those who are directly touched by it whether they know it or not. [Read more →]

October 27, 2008   Comments Off on Waltz with Bashir

Waltz with Bashir

Most people go to movies to get away from reality for a few hours, and to immerse themselves in a world of pretense. Waltz with Bashir is a movie made in Israel, and it was included in the Lincoln Center film festival. Film festivals show movies that are different from the average Hollywood film. The idea is that people can see movies that are from various cultures or genres. Waltz with Bashir is an animated documentary.


October 26, 2008   1 Comment