Arts in New York City: Baruch College, Fall 2008, Professor Roslyn Bernstein
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Category — In the Spotlight



Awkwardly seated on a chair perched atop a stage in a sloppily decorated room, Frances Richey reads from her critically acclaimed poetry collection, The Warrior.  Some attentively listen while others wonder as to why no refreshments were provided.  Yet as she sets down the book to address any questions, it becomes obvious that this poet is content with her work and her ultimate purpose in writing her works is far more personal than to just woo audiences. [Read more →]

December 3, 2008   Comments Off on A BIT OF MOTHERLY AFFECTION

Frances Richey: Motherly Hardships

A corporate business- woman turned poet, Frances Richey has recently published her second collection of poems titled The Warrior. As her first book, The Burning Point, it has already received wide critical acclaim. Fueled by strong feelings toward her beloved son who was deployed to fight in Iraq, she began to write an anthology of poems to express her emotions. Her poetry is moving and at times tear jerking, leading one to question how Richey could have become such a magnificent poet after working in an absolutely non-creative profession. Nonetheless, Frances Richey has become a prolific and successful artist in her field. [Read more →]

December 3, 2008   Comments Off on Frances Richey: Motherly Hardships

What we don’t see

What is the best approach to shoot street photographs? While some street photographers considered that the techniques of photographing are the most crucial parts of their work, Jeff Mermelstein emphasized simplicity and “perpetual hard work.” Taking the time out of his schedule, Mermelstein not only delivered his interpretation of street photography during the slideshow presentation but also gave the students an insight into creating their own themes for their street photography project. [Read more →]

December 3, 2008   1 Comment

Francine Prose

Francine Prose as a writer is an exact one.  She makes every word count and tells us to do he same.  As a speaker she is sure of her words and herself, not giving a speech, more having a conversation.  Her humor holds a key to her being: dry, well placed comments that could be mistaken for passing thoughts if not for her perfect sense of timing. [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   Comments Off on Francine Prose


Intimate. It is the best word available in the English language to describe Frances Richey. It describes everything about her – from her demeanor to her stories, and especially to her presence in a room. Her intimacy was recently put on display at a recent reading at the Macaulay Honor College. She read several selections from her new collection of poems, entitled The Warrior. These poems chronicle the ever-changing emotions that she felt when her son, Ben, was deployed to fight in Iraq. [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   2 Comments

Frances Richey

Frances Richey’s collection of poems “The Warrior” reflected the feelings about her son and the difficulties they faced. Their clash of ideas and her concerns for him are very vividly talked about in the poems. The reality that he may not return from his chosen path is a strong theme. She described the book as her “attempt to talk to him”. [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   Comments Off on Frances Richey

Jeff Mermelstein: Capturing all the ingredients of spontaneity

            On November 4th, our IDC class had the pleasure of welcoming renowned street photographer, Jeff Mermelstein. It was evident from the start that Mermelstein had his unique style of doing things; while most photographers would’ve shown a powerpoint of their work, Mermelstein brought in the actual racks containing his images and projected them onto the overhead. Professor Bernstein had hinted that Jeff is a master of his field, but it was his passionate and down to earth demeanor that made his visit memorable, enriching, and most of all, entertaining. [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   Comments Off on Jeff Mermelstein: Capturing all the ingredients of spontaneity

Frances Richey: More than a Woman

As soon as the event began, I knew Frances Richey wasn’t like any other poet in the world.  From the moment I saw her, a smile covered her face from ear to ear.  Richey began by introducing herself.  Even though she is also a yoga teacher, her true passion and talent is writing poetry.  For some reason, when she began to explain how her son, Ben, was involved with the military and the War in Iraq I felt a connection.  I always had a great deal of admiration for those who fight for American freedom overseas.  I also have respect for the parents of these young men and women fighting for us.  Richey went on to tell us that Ben graduated from West Point and eventually became a Green Beret.  Richey even compares her son to a warrior of the Aztec Empire.  She was never entirely comfortable with Ben’s life choice, but supported him with all her heart, exactly the way a great mother should.  I can especially relate to this because my mother is the same way.  She loves me to death and will support me no matter what I decide to do.  That kind of love is unconditional and will always be there.  The love she showed for her son reminded me of my mother. [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   Comments Off on Frances Richey: More than a Woman

Poems like Prayers for “The Warriors”

Businesswoman turned poet, Frances Richey read from her second poetry compilation, “The Warrior” at the Macaulay center last week. Through boxy glasses Richey recited her poems, which concern her son’s deployment to Iraq. Tremendously poignant and obviously very personal, Richey’s poems deal with the bond between mother and son, the “letting go” of a loved one, and the realization that we all lead independent lives. Sound familiar? We all have probably experienced such introspection while reminiscing over dusty old photographs usually tucked away deep in the upstairs closet. In truth, Richey’s poems lack the innovative nuances that make contemporary poetry interesting and compelling. [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   1 Comment

Frances Richey: A Mother’s Conflict

The war in Iraq has been one of the most controversial conflicts in American history. It has produced many heated debates and many questions about whether it was justified. Many of those concerned are the parents of American troops who are fighting in Iraq. One such mother is Francis Richey. Ms. Richey’s son served in Iraq and is now done with his career in the military. While he was over there however, his mother chose to deal with her considerable anxiety [Read more →]

December 2, 2008   1 Comment