Arts in New York City: Baruch College, Fall 2008, Professor Roslyn Bernstein

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Up Close and Personal with Francine Prose            On October 21st, acclaimed author and the current Sidney Harman Writer-In-Residence, Francine Prose came to Baruch College and shared a reading of one of her short stories, “Hansel and Gretel.” Although we expected to hear an excerpt from her newest novel Goldengrove, Prose wanted to read something different, after all there’s “only so much you can read on a book tour.” Afterwards there was a Q&A where Prose provided great insight into her personality and style of writing.
            In her book Reading Like a Writer, a New York Times best seller, Francine Prose writes that “a workshop can be useful, a good teacher can show you how to edit your work…but writers learn by reading the work of their predecessors” (2). Her extensive knowledge and understanding of effective language is clear as she devotes each chapter to a specific aspect of writing, “Chapter 1: Close Reading, Chapter Two: Words…” The very skills she wrote about were apparent in her descriptive and unique characters, as we learned about Lucia who “doesn’t believe in seatbelts – [a] fascist plot,” Polly’s “strange, blond, handsome” husband, Nelson, and Lucia’s gorgeous yet “doomed” daughter, Marianna.


November 12, 2008   Comments Off on Up Close and Personal with Francine Prose

Waltz with Bashir

“Waltz with Bashir” was definitely out of the ordinary and separated itself from the usual documentary. Although a bit unusual, the animated documentary, directed by Ari Folman, was unique in that it was a surreal depiction of the guilt, death and shock of war – to the soldiers and of what really happened.

“Waltz with Bashir” is based on a true story of Folman’s life and experiences in the Lebanon War in 1982, a time of violence and conflict when Israel forces invaded southern Lebanon. At a bar, he meets a friend who tells him of the persistent nightmare that comes back to haunt him everyday – an image of 26 menacing dogs. Ari realizes that he does not remember anything during his service in the Israeli Army mission and decides to travel around the world to find the missing pieces of his life and relive his memory. [Read more →]

November 12, 2008   Comments Off on Waltz with Bashir

Francine Prose

Everybody has, at least once, skimmed books or passages for plot, whether it was a school reading assignment or choosing a book to read. However, we never actually read between the lines, scrutinizing each and every word. In her book Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and For Those Who Want to Write Them (2006), Francine Prose provides the handy guidebook to writing and reading because ultimately, “reading morphs into writing.” She uses passages as examples from the masters of classic novels and analyzes them, showing readers the different techniques of “good writing”. [Read more →]

November 12, 2008   1 Comment

The Greatness of Prose

            There is nothing striking about her appearance. She is a woman of modest stature with black shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes. Yet the greatness of her spirit is apparent before she even says a single word. It has been this spectacular spirit that has propelled her to become one of the leading writers of our time – having published over 20 books of fiction, nonfiction, and short stories. The spirit of Francine Prose is full of freedom, exploration, and an admiration for the never-ending surprises of everyday life. [Read more →]

November 11, 2008   Comments Off on The Greatness of Prose

Trying to Remember

             Memory is a tricky thing. Not all the events that happen in our lives are retained in our memory. Those that manage to grad hold are vulnerable to manipulation, especially to the point where the memory no longer resembles the original. Then, there is the peculiar case of lost memories – events that we chose to forget, whether consciously or unconsciously, due to fear that we might discover something faulty within ourselves. Waltz with Bashir, a compelling film by Israeli director Ari Folman, explores the subject of memory and the complex journey of trying to remember. [Read more →]

November 11, 2008   Comments Off on Trying to Remember

Spinning Stories


             An American flag on one side and a map of Iraq on the other – three large tablets occupy the middle of the stage. Each tablet depicting a different portion of the image and spinning independently of the others – forcefully turned by the troubled characters, whose lives have spun just as much as those three central tablets. “In Conflict”, a new production by Douglas C. Wager, chronicles the individual stories of the magnificent characters that constitute the diverse group of Iraqi war veterans upon whom the play centers. [Read more →]

November 11, 2008   Comments Off on Spinning Stories

Dr. Atomic

Opera is one of the oldest and most respected forms of entertainment. However, I have never seen an opera show before attending the Metropolitan Opera with my class a few weeks ago. Prior to this year, the thought of going to see an opera has never crossed my mind. I do not think my parents have been to opera performances, so I did not really know much about them. All I had heard about operas was the typical stereotype of the fat woman who cracks a glass with her shrill voice. Even though I was never that interested in opera, I was kind of curious to see what it is really like.


November 11, 2008   Comments Off on Dr. Atomic

In Conflict – Support the troops, just listen.

           Based on the book by Yvonne Latty, In Conflict, presented on September 25, 2008 at the Barrow Street Theater, recounts the story of war veterans who served in Iraq.

           Unlike other documentaries based on war veterans’ experiences, In Conflict neither preaches anti-war, nor advocates being a war hawk. Instead, Latty includes the stories of all types of veterans: amputee, single, gay, female, AWOL, married, middle-aged, black, straight, doctor, war monger. When asked about her selection of veterans, Latty explained how she strived to create a balance, and refrained from modifying the interviewee’s words when writing her book. Perhaps the strongest aspect of the play is its ability to connect with the audience. We hear the raw, ugly, painful, and sometimes nauseating words and experiences of real soldiers. While veterans like Ty Simmons “bleed red, white, and blue,” others like Darryl Anderson “went AWOL and moved to Canada.” Regardless of the story we are envisioning, and despite the comic-relief and hints of sarcasm, In Conflict displays the vivid, shocking, and unnerving stories of Iraq War veterans.


November 9, 2008   2 Comments

Waltz with Bashir: Thought Provoking Glimpse into the Twisted Experience of an Israeli War Veteran

             Shown on October 2, 2008 at the 46th Annual New York Film Festival, Waltz with Bashir directed by Ari Folman tells the story of an Israeli war veteran as he struggles to recount his memories and experiences during the 1982 Lebanon War. His failure to recollect his entire experience turns into an obsession. Through his travels and discussions with former friends, psychologists, reporters, and comrades, the narrator attempts to piece together his broken memories during his time as a soldier.

             Despite the use of this unconventional medium, animation, director Ari Folman succeeds in depicting the story in which veterans of any war can relate to: Lebanese, Vietnam, or Iraq War. However, it doesn’t take any military experience or knowledge to be entranced with Folman’s autobiographical story. [Read more →]

November 9, 2008   1 Comment

Irena’s Vow: Nervous laughs and glimpses of a dark and disturbing reality

            Irena’s Vow, presented at Baruch’s Performing Arts Center, tells the story of Irena Gut Opdyke during the German occupation of western Poland in World War II.

            After being raped, abused, tortured, and beaten by Russian troops, Irena was forced to work in a munitions factory in Poland. Overwhelmed with tough work and long hours, Irena faints and is confronted with Major Rugemer. Luckily, she is transferred and given lighter duties, and now also supervises the Jews who work in the laundry. When Major Rugemer gets re-assigned, he makes Irena his housekeeper. After overhearing that all the Jews will be sent to death camp, Irena risks her life by hiding twelve Jews in the Rugemer’s villa. With each passing day Irena and her twelve Jewish friends must combat the tension and adversity they are faced with. After all, the fates of both Irena and the Jews are in jeopardy. [Read more →]

November 9, 2008   Comments Off on Irena’s Vow: Nervous laughs and glimpses of a dark and disturbing reality