Monthly Archives: September 2012

White Rabbits Concert

It was a hazy summer evening when I received a text message from my friend asking me if I would like to go to a free concert the next day. Without even thinking or asking the name of the band, … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Encounters | 5 Comments

Critical Terms of Theater

Blocking: Movement of an actor onstage. It is often identified in relation to the movement and position of other actors in the scene. Catharsis: Alleviation of own emotional tension after watching a tragic play. The audience experiences this emotion when … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Terms | 2 Comments

5 Critical Terms

1. Personification The ability of giving lifeless objects human attributes. 2. Apex The highest part or the climax. 3. Epilogue The closing section of a performance. 4. Anachronism An invention mentioned before its time. 5. Motif A repeating theme in a … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Terms | 5 Comments

Artistic Endeavors

Not content to merely consume the arts in New York City, we set out to contribute something of our own. Through these projects, we discover that we are ALL artists!   In the Street Photography Project, each student will shoot … Continue reading

Posted in Artistic Endeavors, Collage Project, Street Photography | Leave a comment

In the Spotlight

A series of close-up, 360° views of guest artists and speakers. The goal here is to weave together direct quotes and background information about their lives and work to create  vibrant portraits. Let us see them, hear them, understand what … Continue reading

Posted in In the Spotlight, Jody Sperling, Katherine Vaz, Max Flatow | Leave a comment

Critics’ Corner

Writing encourages us to process what we have encountered, to articulate global impressions or break them down into more analytical components. Here in the Critics’ Corner, we respond in writing to events and excursions. Feel free to express your own … Continue reading

Posted in Carmen, Critical Terms, Critics' Corner, Fall for Dance, ICP Exhibit, MET Exhibit, The Train Driver | Leave a comment

Who He Was, Who She Was… and Is

A series of in-depth profiles of inspiring New Yorkers. Who were they when they arrived, and who have they become since? Who were they at one point in their life and how did they change? The idea is not to … Continue reading

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