New York’s 150 Year Old Toy Store


IMG_0639 Yesterday, I went to Fao Schwartz. I felt compelled to go to the iconic 150 year toy store located on 59th street. It took almost 10 minutes to get into the store, an event in itself I have never experienced. Never have I waited in line to get in a store. Upon entering, I was greeted by an array of stuffed animals that ranged from 200 dollars up to 2000 dollars. There were giant giraffes and pandas, camels and lions. They were breathtakingly ornate and pricey.

The store was absolutely packed, with kids running around and panicked parents trying to keep track of their kids in the huge emporium. On my way to the second level, I passed the candy section. There were nerds boxes that were the size of cereal boxes, and Spree rolls the size of very long sausages. It was a candy-lover’s heaven. The second floor was much larger. There were thousands of Lego boxes, Barbie dolls, and hot wheel cars.

The entire store was a child’s paradise and everything was almost too overwhelming to take in. Never have I had been more overwhelmed by so much merchandise. The store seems to be an icon for conspicuous consumption, and I think it’s fair to say that we often get too caught up in the commercialization of the holidays. After all, it really comes down to simply being with the people that mean the most to you in your life; family and friends.

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2 Responses to New York’s 150 Year Old Toy Store

  1. Nancy Zhu says:

    It’s nice you wrote about your experience in this store. I could relate since I lived in New York City all my life. When I was a small child, my mom would bring me to this store and the many other extravagant stores in the city. It was like a dream land. It’s also a nice perspective that I gained as a business student now. That this kind of interior design and way to market to children is a great way to capture the interests of little kids and their parents.

  2. Rishi Ajmera says:

    It’s good to hear about your experience at the store. I actually didn’t appreciate it as much. I had often walked by the store and heard of it, but never wandered in. I was at the apple store with a few friends and we decided to check it out. A few things like the walkable piano and certain displays caught my attention, otherwise I failed to see everyone’s amazement with it and it is now an official landmark.

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