Often times we overlook the amazing hairstyles people have until we see that wacky one with all his hair gel straight up into multiple spikes or that one with so many highlights that the person’s head looks like a rainbow. But those are only a small plethora of unique hairstyles. I wasn’t at all interested in people’s hairstyles (or my own for that matter) until last year. From watching anime, looking at cosplayers, and seeing my friend’s hairstyle, I suddenly wanted to do something with my hair (which is why I kept it long).

Hair gel up into long spikes (faux-hawk). Photo credits to http://fashionchoice.org/mohawk-hairstyles-for-women-on-christmas/

Multi-color highlights. Photo credits to nainlove.com
I started thinking about styling my hair around the time of last year’s New York Anime Festival. My friends who were going with me talked about what kinds of cosplay we should do so that we could play with our hairstyles to fit the character. In the end, we got lazy and argued among ourselves that we wouldn’t have the money to do it anyway. That wasn’t the morale of the story but it did get me thinking about what I want to do with my hair in the future.
I began noticing the hairstyles of the people around me. However, just seeing didn’t help me style my hair. Not to mention that it was just too short to do anything with. But then I realized that amongst my friends, there was one who had much experience in styling his hair because sometimes he would cosplay. He would layer, shape, trim, and dye his hair if he found one that he thinks is cool and would fit him. He usually maintains a medium length hairstyle that is layered on the hair (top medium length, middle short, bottom medium again for a spiky hair effect) and dyed blonde. And so, I asked him for advice on how to style my hair, especially those with layered spikes like ones I usually see in anime and great cosplayers.

One of the many styles of layering and spiking hair. Character is Tokiya Ichinose from the anime series “Uta no Prince-sama.”
Cosplayer: Will at Worldcosplay.net. Photo credits to 春
That was last year. I couldn’t do much other than talk and contemplate on what and how I would style my hair because it was less than an inch long. After my mother forced me to get a haircut in January before Chinese New Year (it’s a tradition to cut hair before Chinese New Year to symbolize a fresh start – however, cutting hair during Chinese New Year would mean cursing your uncle), it was even tougher to do anything with my hair. Now that almost a year had passed, my hair has grown and is long enough to layer it. I will probably do that during winter break.
What really surprised me during the process was how the length and style of my hair change my facial appearance—something that I thought wouldn’t change, regardless of what form my hair took. Now, it appears that the way a person shapes his or her hair really does show what type of person he or she is. Because I like cosplayers whose hairstyles are based on Japanese anime/manga/game characters, I want to style my hair that way as well. And by doing so, I guess I will show my personality. This might just be true for many people who are concerned about their hairstyles.
Thanks for sharing your personal stories again. they are always told in an extremely honest tone. I agree that the way people style their hair often reveals who they are. Having fun experimenting with your new hairstyle!
I agree that the way people style their hair often reveals who they are. Having fun experimenting with your new hairstyle!
I like how you took a sociological approach to something as simple as hair. It is true, we create an identity for ourselves based on our interests and in the way that we manipulate our appearance. Its great to see how your stories always relate back to you and your values.
The way you described the different styles of hair to representing the way someone is. I did just recently want to put highlights in my hair or some way to add some subtle color. However, I gave it some further thought, and realized something as simple as hair might cause different judgements by people, especially at interviews. But go with what you want, I don’t want to discourage you from your creativity. Like Nastassia said, it’s great to see that your stories relating back to your personal ideals.
I just tell the barber to cut it short and then I throw some gel in it when I get home. I never thought that something as simple as hair can affect a person so much. Personal stories are always good and I like your approach. But as long as you think it looks good then do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks. It’s the beauty of hair.