What Was Your Name Again?

I intern at a finance office near the UN. Usually when I am going up or down in the elevator, I am alone. However, last Wednesday was different. I had just left for the day after running a couple of errands (picking up the mail, getting coffee, all interns know this drill). A man with a sweet little bowler hat and a scarf very politely asked me about what I was wearing on my head. The conversation went something like this.

Man: Hi, would you mind if I asked you a question? (Without waiting for a yes or a no), Why is it that you wear that turban? I know it is a part of Sikhism, but what is the reasoning behind it?

Me: (Sighing because I have answered this question what feels like a million times) Well this turban symbolizes uniqueness. My religion requires that we wear it as a symbol of respect to God.


Man: You’re from India, correct?

Me: Yes.

Man: OOOOHHHH I LOVE INDIA! I go there for two to three months at a time for work and I absolutely love it. It’s just so much more organic, don’t you agree?

Me: Well, organic is one word for garbage on the streets haha.

Man: I guess we just have different views on it then…

Me: Well don’t get me wrong, I love it there, I was born there, and all my family lives there, but I see the negatives along with the positives.

Man: Makes sense, oh well I better be on my way.

Me: Nice meeting you, see you around.

Man: You too.


At this point, I looked around to see where I was. I had walked in a completely wrong direction, and needed to run in order to get to class on time. As I got on the subway, huffing and panting, I couldn’t help but laugh. Only in New York would you have a twenty minute conversation with a complete stranger about your faith, walk in the opposite direction of where you are supposed to go, and not even ask the man his name.


Credit: Olivier Perrin

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4 Responses to What Was Your Name Again?

  1. rubinsammy says:

    That was an interesting moment for you.

    I always feel that people in NYC (especially Manhattan) are always in a hurry. They don’t have time to stop, be aware of their surroundings, and ask questions.

    That has never happened to me nor have I gained enough courage to go up to person on the street and start conservation.

    That person probably picked you because of your stellar beard!

  2. Alessandra Rao says:

    Great post! Really fun to read, haha. I have no idea why, but in my head, I imagined this man having a British accent. I also like how you put the dialogue in a “me” and “man” format, it makes it a lot more fluid.

    I agree with Sam that people rarely stop to ask questions to talk to people because everyone seems to be in a hurry…so I guess you must have made an impression on that man, haha. Good for you.

  3. chriswoo says:

    I feel like that’s a really weird conversation and I’ve never had the same experience. But I think it is a good thing that you can try to explain your faith to someone else without getting annoyed by ignorance, that takes a lot of patience.

  4. nastassiashcherbatsevich says:

    I like how you incorporate so much sarcasm and energy into your post; it was an entertaining one to read. I would have liked to see a little bit more description of this man and your thought processes, especially when you replied with “Well, organic is one word for garbage on the streets”. I could almost picture the sour look on his face and the change of tone, but I would have liked to know how his expression really changed.

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