Knitta Please

Every evening when I walk home on 23rd street, I see this bike locked up, looking ever so endearing. The bright colors remind me of the sweaters I wore when I was a child and the thought instantly bring back warm feelings. This bike is just one of the projects of a recent phenomena called “yarn bombing.”  Bikes, along with lampposts, cars, trees, parking meters, and even the Wall Street Bull are just few of the amazing yarn bombs that have brightened the streets of New York.  While graffiti is known for being an expressive art, yarn bombing was initially only about reclaiming and personalizing sterile or cold public places. The movement has changed the face of craft and a group of artists have wholeheartedly embraced this- “Knitta Please” is known for its mission of making street art a little more warm and fuzzy. It started primarily with one woman, Magda Sayeg, who made a doorknob cosy for the front door of her Houston Boutique, which caused an outburst of appeal. The group spread worldwide and, although it is considered vandalism in some US states- the group considers their graffiti- a method of beautifying public space.”



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