The Schools

What Type of Students?

Many of the largest institutions that attract outsiders to Lincoln Center are the schools in the neighborhood. Schools such as La Guardia, The Juliard School, Fordham Law School, and The High School for Environmental Studies are not restricted by zones. These schools draw students of different religions, races, and incomes from all over the city.



How do They Feel?


The young adults who go to school near 59th street also spend much of their free time there. Walking around the neighborhood, groups of students comprised a large subset of interviewees. However, the students retained an attitude almost as isolationist as those behind Lincoln Center. They too did not feel welcomed in the community and noted that many of the older people at Lincoln Center are very “anti-youth.” The students we interviewed didn’t have a very positive perception of the younger residents of Lincoln Center either. For the most part, the students described their richer peers as “pompous” “elitist” and not much else. Even towards the poorer demographics behind Lincoln Center the students were generally apathetic. In fact, the students claimed they only entered the projects to smoke weed.


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