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From NYTimes Mostly men come on their lunch breaks or after work to play Quick Draw in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, where the game earns the most in the state.

Published: February 20, 2013

Pronto Lotto does not look like much. It sits outside the entrance to a busy subway stop in Elmhurst, Queens, supplying passers-by with cereal, chips and milk like any other bodega.

But Pronto Lotto’s real business takes place in the carpeted, hushed area where its most devoted customers watch video screens from a scattering of tall silver tables, hour after hour, day after day.

The players — mostly men, about a dozen at any given time — come on their lunch breaks or after work to study the screens, which are programmed with the Quick Draw lottery game, and flash a new set of winning numbers every four minutes. They have helped make Pronto Lotto the top Quick Draw vendor in the state, selling $3.3 million worth of tickets last year, more than $1 million more than the second busiest location, a World Books shop in Penn Station.

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