The Ghost Map: Chapters 1 – 3

I found the beginning of the books with it’s description to how London was amazing. I could picture how disgusting it must have looked, how crowded the streets were, the sweat rolling off people’s face. It got me to me every time they talked about the waste and how it piled on the cesspool. Just by picturing it, I can see how disgusting everything must have been, how suffocating it must have been to live there, I can’t imagine how these people continued to live there with those conditions, especially after Cholera broke out. People were definitely not rich but was it not possible at all to evacuate the area because there was clearly something wrong with the area. If it was up to me, I would give up all my money to live somewhere else as long as it meant that my family and I wouldn’t die. I wouldn’t want to take the risk of catching the disease and the area was filthy anyway. It makes me cherish what I have now, when I see how we try to keep our streets clean to an extent and most definitely our homes. I cannot imagine facing waste everyday or even being within vicinity of that much waste. It also makes me glad how much we’ve advanced as a society especially when they had their doctors in London coming out with a different cure everyday without actual evidence. Now we actually go through experiments to make sure a cure works. I cannot imagine our daily newspapers covered with ads of doctors to try their cure for a disease.