Until starting Root Shock I hadn’t considered the intensity of the emotional trauma that comes with being completely uprooted from the place one considers home. While reading the beginning chapters I tried to empathize with the people mentioned who lost everything they knew and in a sense, lost their realities. However, the author’s emphasis on the pain experienced by those uprooted was also accusing the governing powers for not caring about the poor and/or black citizens. Although Dr. Fullilove did make some very good points about the people in charge being racist and classist, I also feel like she overdid it a bit in making them out to be villains. Their purposes of their actions couldn’t only have been to be malicious and I am curious as to how biased the author’s opinions are, since she has spent years conversing with the people she is defending. I’m not trying to say that what the government did was right, rather that Dr. Fullilove isn’t providing even a smidgen of their side of the story.