Neighborhood Health

A neighborhood can offer social supports that are difficult to replace and essential to an individual’s quality of life. These social supports are implicit to public health. Individuals in a tight knit community walk freely to local destinations, have more information about members of the community, and have a greater sense of security. While these community qualities may be taken for granted by many, these qualities can facilitate a healthy lifestyle. In the novel, Fullilove mentions that elderly individuals removed from their community could not walk to the stores, and many became ill.

While one may think of a community facilitating good public health by making tangible public resources available to its members, the social supports it offers are invaluable as well. While community has been largely defined as a physical space in Root Shock, we have different definitions of community today. Communities have moved into the online realm with greater technological advancements. What can we expect if we were suddenly taken offline? Would it have the same effect as those in Roanoke?