The New Jim Crow???

Just by reading the introduction of The New Jim Crow, I could tell that it was going to be a very bold and controversial novel. The introduction really serves as a foundation of what you can expect the author to argue. I’ve never really heard of the term the “New Jim Crow”, and how it can relate to mass incarceration. The author seems to want to draw parallels between present day society, the Jim Crow era, and slavery. It does really seem like a stretch to compare the standing of African Americans in the 21st century to those of slaves in the colonial era.

The author does draw some good points when discussing the destruction and re-birth of multiple caste systems. However, she seems very biased and one-sided. She doesn’t give the progress that African Americans have made throughout time any justice. The author seems to briefly mention a positive event for the progression of African Americans, and then sweep it under the rug. It was interesting to see her “conspiracy” view of the government. From what I understood, she was trying to say that many former presidents, some of which are alive, were raging a war against African Americans and any people of color. She goes on to mention the fact that the “War on Drugs” was just another way of cracking down on racial minorities. In my opinion, these claims reek of hyperbole. The author is very narrow sighted and seems to just focus the negatives aspects that exist in our society. It will be interesting to read her claims that will argue about the existence of New Jim Crow.

My question is from what you read do you think the author may be exaggerating in her opinions? Does she really objectively present the development of African Americans throughout history?

David Zilberman

One thought on “The New Jim Crow???

  1. Hey David,

    I was also wondering if she was exaggerating her opinions. She is very passionate on the topic and has worked closely in this field and it could be a possibility. However, as I continue reading, I will look to see if she uses reliable sources to support her claims.

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