The New Jim Crow response #1

When I started reading “The New Jim Crow” I was intrigued by the ideas brought forth by the author because I had never heard of or even considered them before. When people talk about the slavery or Jim Crow in America they generally refer to it as over, with some remnants of racism remaining. It was intriguing to read a point of view that said that not only is the battle against racism not over, but that it is the same battle in different disguises. I don’t know if I necessarily agree with Alexander, because even though she admitted that her theory is a little out there, she seemed to me a bit of a conspiracy theorist. Her hypothesis does have evidence supporting it, but I feel like many rational explanations can be given for many of it. I also got the impression that she is picturing a bunch of fat old rich white men sitting around discussing how they can band together to make the lives of African-Americans horrible. I am not trying to defend racists, just I think Alexander is superimposing ideas of racism onto everything she mentions in the book, whether it is applicable or not.