The New Jim Crow Chapter 2 and 3

As I read more of the book, I find it intriguing that she’s asking a lot of questions that I’ve never though about before. She brings up a lot of good points. From what I know those who are randomly searched are more likely to be of color than not. People may say it’s random but it really isn’t and is based on the persons bias. Due to the stereotypes that have been followed African Americans, it’s unfortunate to see them being viewed as a certain way when in fact it isn’t true that they’re the group to do most drugs etc. She also talks about how the 4th Amendment has been bent so that officers can search your things if under reasonable suspicion. She see’s it as a downfall to people’s right but I actually think it’s somewhat necessary for officers to do their job. If there’s really something suspicion going on, and they have to get a warrant, that person may ultimately get away in the end since the officers have no grounds to arrest them.

She’s extremely skeptical of everything and since I’m not much a conspiracist, I can’t really see eye to eye with her on everything. For example she makes it sounds like police officers were originally told to target African Americans and make it so that only African Americans should be arrested when she says, “The first step is to grant law enforcements extraordinarily discretion when regarding whom to stop, search, arrest, and charge for drug offenses, thus ensuring that conscious and unconscious racial beliefs and stereotypes will be given free rein”. I believe that there is racism whether it be intentional or unintentional when arresting African Americans but I don’t believe that it was purposely set up from the very beginning for African Americans to be victims.