Boxed In

In Chapter 4, Alexander talks about how those who have been convicted and deemed a criminal have no way to live a normal life again, no matter how small the crime they did is. All people look at is whether or not you went to prison. They seem to assume all criminals are the same and try to shun out criminals. Alexander tries to show us how hard it is for a criminal to get back on their feet again, when they can simply get evicted from their house and become homeless, and have to pay for all these extra fees once they get out of prison, when they can barely even find a job due to to their record.

She also highlights the importance of their rights being taken away no matter how small the crime they did. It gives this mentality that they are lower than the average person since they have no basic rights. I think there should a line drawn in society. Those who probably made a mistake in college and took some drugs shouldn’t have their whole lives ruined cause of it. I think the government needs to help these people more instead of taking advantage of them. They should be able to connect these people with decent or at least minimum wage paying jobs not jobs that offer them little to nothing as if they’re practically working for free. Is there really no second chance for these people?