Ghost Map Chapter 4 – 6

I found it interesting how Snow seemed to be the only one in London at that time who was able to think out of the box and see that the miasma theory wasn’t correct. It wasn’t even like all this happened over a couple of days. Snow had already been trying to figure out what the problem was for more then a year yet people were still stuck on the miasma theory after all that time. It obviously wasn’t the problem if more people were dying even with their attempts to clear the air. I would think people would realize their water system was contaminated even if it wasn’t visible to the human eye since their city was practically filled with waste. You would think scientists would try a new theory once they realized nothing was changing.

As we read about Snow, I find his dilligence commendable. He found something he thought was wrong and went through with it even though the whole city didn’t believe him at that time. It’s also interesting to see how a city goes through changes during times like these. With the outbreak, they finally realized they needed a better sewage system instead of keeping all their waste. Because I live in such a modern time now, it’s hard for me to imagine for people to be okay with there being waste everywhere. Now people complain if they see a couple piece on the sidewalk let alone fecal matter everywhere. I wouldn’t want to leave my house if that’s what my streets looked like.