Traumatic Stress

I really enjoyed learning about root shock especially since the term is new to me. I think sometimes people undermine how valuable the area we live in is. When reading the beginning of the book it made me realize how people take their current lifestyle for granted and how we’re lucky to have a roof over our heads. What neighborhood you live could really change the way you see the world because it’s through what you experience in that neighborhood that makes you who you are. While reading this, it reminded me of the recent natural disasters that happening in New York. It saddened me to think about how some people I were close probably experienced root shock when their houses were taken down by Hurricane Sandy. To think one day you’re living comfortably in your house and then the next for it to be completely torn down must be so horrifying. Without good mental health, one can’t really have physical health either. When reading Root Shock, it saddened me how some people in the past couldn’t live their daily lives without experiencing root shoot on a basis. The black community for example was traumatized by racist practices everyday. It makes me glad that our society had advanced beyond that to an extent. Not only did they have to deal with regular stress of everyday life but outsiders had to add stress to them too. Has there ever been a time where you experienced root shock?