Root Shock- 4-6

As I read this book, only one thing kept flying through my mind. I really couldn’t understand it at first, but it kept appearing. It was a feeling that couldn’t be stated until the book said it for me. Someone, I can’t find it now, said that the community was a place where you could walk in the dark and feel safe. That truly hit home for me because I know how that feels. My community is very much the same way. And the every story detailed a little bit of the experience of being within a community. It truly felt like Director David Riker said. Dr. Fullilove was able to tell the story of many communities without having been in one simply because she learned how to tell their stories.

My question is simple: What other factors make up a community? And what connection does Dr. Fullilove have to these stories? As a psychiatrist, does she believe Root shock is a medical condition?