Chapter 5

Throughout the course of the book, I have been constantly questioning Alexander’s statements and her statistics. I was always mindful of the fact that she never seemed to address the opposing point of view, but only focused on her point and tried to shape her argument. However, it is worth noting that the points Alexander raised are indeed relevant. I had never thought that mass incarceration could be used as a system of racial control, when in reality it can and has. Just looking at basic statistics, there is a higher ratio of prisoners to free men in the black community than there is in any other. Needless to say, Alexander has fulfilled her goal: she has made me think about the idea of mass incarceration being used as a means of holding one race subservient to the other. I do believe this is something that people need to discuss, as it is evident there is a problem. Therefore, the quicker we find a solution to this highly biased system of mass incarceration, the quicker our society will move in the right track.