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What is fracking? (and some information about the fracking debate)

Posted by: | December 16, 2014 | 2 Comments |

We spent the last few classes talking about fracking, so I thought I’d summarize what fracking is and provide a quick summary for each side of the current tracking debate. Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) is a process that is now sweeping across the United States. It is the process of drilling for natural gas. Frackers drill between the shale rock layers using high pressure water, sand, and chemical mixtures to form cracks for the natural gases to seep through. Fracking has become more widespread in the last ten years because we have depleted many of our natural natural gas sources. Many states in the United States have created fracking wells, recently in upstate NY and Long Island (a little closer to home). The government offers to buy land off of landowners (for a good price) in order to create these fracking wells. They then start the process by drilling over hundreds of meters into the ground. Then, a horizontal hole is created leading to the natural gas deposit. Then, the water mixture is forced through, creating the necessary cracks to release the natural gas. The mixture is then pumped out, and then poured into a deeper layer of rock so that it does not harm our water sources. The natural gas is collected, and the hole is sealed.

Fracking allows us access to natural gas that we would otherwise be unable to obtain. It is also the cheapest way to collect the gas. Almost everything we use in this day and age requires natural gas, and since we are running out and prices are going up, we need fracking. Fracking makes prices a bit cheaper and gas a bit more available. The water, chemical, and sand mixture is disposed of properly (in most cases), so people believe that it is a viable method for obtaining the natural gas we need.

The other side of the debate states that fracking is dangerous. If the mixture gets into our drinking water (which is a pretty big possibility because of spills and not drilling it deep enough), it can be extremely dangerous. The water becomes toxic. There is no way to purify or filter it. We’ve all seen the video of the home near a fracking plant where all of their water turns black and can actually light on fire (attaching that video if you have not seen it). The chemicals used for fracking are carcinogens, and poisonous. The mixture also contains methane, which is a greenhouse gas. If this chemical is released, it adds to the destruction of our environment. Fracking spills have already occurred in various places in the U.S.

video on fracking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uti2niW2BRA
water on fire video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LBjSXWQRV8

under: Science


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