Monthly Archives: January 2012


This past weekend I had the fortune to visit the amazing little town that is Itatiaia, known mostly for the 300km2 Parque Nacional do Itatiaia down the road. While most gringos head to Ilha Grande if they want to see … Continue reading

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Settling In

Finally starting to get really settled down here in Rio. Classes have been going great. Each day I’m amazed at how many new things I learn. Had a 20 min oral presentation earlier in the week that went pretty well. … Continue reading

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Day 10

Can’t believe that it’s already been a full 10 days here, so much to write about and so little time to do it. Simply put, my time in Rio over the past few days has been incredible. However, it certainly … Continue reading

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Murphy’s Law

Since landing yesterday morning, Rio has proved to be everything I remember it to be and so much more.  Flight from New York to Rio went very smooth. I was fortunate enough to have two empty seats next to me … Continue reading

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Feliz Ano Novo!

Well this is it, in exactly two hours I will be on my way to lovely Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Cidade Maravilhosa, for the next six months. The past few days have been pretty hectic, saying goodbye to close friends … Continue reading

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