Posting Images to the Macaulay Gallery

Photo Gallery Instructions

We’ve set up a gallery for the class in the Macaulay system, which will allow you to upload your pictures, comment on each others pictures, even rate which ones you like the best.

If you’re having trouble seeing it, it’s because you need FIRST to follow these simple instructions.  The only trick is that this is a two stage process, involving registering, emailing me, then reentering the platform to upload your photo/make comments/etc.

1.  Go to and register for the site, giving yourself a password.  You can use any username/password for this site, and connect it to any email address (this is where you’ll get your new password if you forget yours).

2.  Email your ITF with your username.  They don’t need to know your password, just the username. They will need to know your username to add you to the class gallery. You should register and email your ITF as soon as possible.

3.  Receive an email from your ITF indicating that you’ve been added to the group gallery.

4. Go to to find the correct album.

5. Log in. Search for your class/topic/assignment.

6. Click on the gallery image.

7. Add images.  You can add images to the gallery by hovering over “Options” and clicking “+ Add a photo” or by using the top menu bar and hovering over “Add” then selecting “Add photos.”

8.  Upload your picture, or pictures.  “Select file” which will prompt you find your file on your computer and hit “Open,” then you can add a caption, then hit ‘Done.’  To change the title, type a title in the ‘Caption’ field, then choose ‘caption’ under ‘set item titles from.’

9. Comment on or rate photos on the site! Yes, it is just like Facebook! Join the fun!

10. You’re done!  Email your ITF with any questions/problems/etc.

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