How to start posting/categorizing/commenting on the blog …

If you’re unsure how to get started posting, here’s a quick overview:

Once you’re on our course site (and logged in!), in order to make a post, simply click on “Add New” on the grey menubar (the admin bar) at the top of the screen, and from the dropdown menu that appears, choose “Post.”  You can also go to your “Dashboard” from the same grey menubar, and this will take you to the “back end” (the control panel) of the site.  From there, you can post or do a number of other things.

Don’t forget to “Categorize” your blog before submitting it (see below for more details on that), and then to “Publish” your blog (if you only click “save” or “preview” it won’t be public).  Happy blogging  😉

A quick note about categorizing blog posts:

Just a friendly reminder to “Categorize” your posts so that it will be easier to navigate our site later on.  To do this, after you finish typing your post up, choose the appropriate “Category” from the right side of the screen.  For example, after you type up your “Introduction” blog, you should make sure to check off “Introductions.”  Otherwise the post will simply show up as “Uncategorized” (we don’t want that!).  You may have to uncheck the “Uncategorized” category (which is the default).

Oh yeah … and you should chat one another up!  How do you do this?  By commenting on your classmates’ posts:

One of the great things about the blog is its interactive nature … people post, others read and make comments, and then conversation happens!  Please read through everyone’s posts and drop comments if you feel so inspired (you can comment in reply to another comment also).  To do this, simply type in a short comment in the “leave a reply” box at the bottom of the post.

Please note that you can respond either to the original post or a specific commenter!