
Posted by on Aug 31, 2013 in Introductions | One Comment

Hi everyone! My name is Connie Lui and I’m a junior in Brooklyn College.  I’m a Political Science major with a concentration in International Relations and a Spanish major. I’ve taken a Gender and Religion class before and loved it so I thought this class would be an interesting comparison. Technology has become a huge part of my life and it’s somewhat amazing that I’ve been able to witness the huge boom in technology. I’m interested to see how gender roles have changed due to this reliance in technology. In the past I was studying how gender roles changed throughout time and the difference in gender roles between different religions and regions. I have never thought about how there could be a cause and effect between gender and technology and am eager to learn more about it and the issues that both gender and technology have.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Brundage
    September 1, 2013

    Welcome, Connie!

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