Bring a Device on Sept 26

Posted by on Sep 26, 2013 in Announcements | No Comments

If you are able to, please bring your device of choice (that allows you to use this site) to class with you today. Thanks.

Jezebel Event at Macaulay

Posted by on Sep 25, 2013 in Announcements | No Comments

We have been invited to this Jezebel Event at Macaulay on October 24. It happens to overlap with class time, so we will meet at 6:00 and then go downstairs at 7:00 for the event. The discussion is open to the public, so invite friends! Do please complete a registration form–our Communications department reached out […]

A little humor

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Reading Response | 3 Comments

(That’s Judith Butler. I got the image from Buzzfeed, but I don’t know who made it originally.)

Readings Week 4

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Announcements | No Comments

Readings are up! For this week, you should have read: Rosser Freedman deLauretis Butler Sommerville Hunger Games If you haven’t yet blogged, it is time to blog!  Whether you are an auditor or taking the class for credit, you need to have an introduction post.  If you are taking the class for credit, you should […]

de Lauretis

Posted by on Sep 19, 2013 in Announcements | No Comments

Hi Everyone, I’ve heard that a few people are having trouble with the link I posted, so I’m posting a new one.  You can find it in the Documents section.  Please do the reading and join the discussion! Lisa

Guidelines for Auditors

Posted by on Sep 16, 2013 in Announcements | No Comments

I’ve had a few questions from students auditing the class about what is expected of them. My preference would be that auditors commit to: Complete readings and participate in discussions, both online and face to face if feasible Comment on blog posts made by students taking the course for full credit Participate in planning the […]

Link to de Lauretis Reading

Posted by on Sep 14, 2013 in Announcements | No Comments

Here is a link to the reading for next week. This link goes to a full text of the *book* on Scribd, a document hosting site. You need to read the first essay only, pages 1-30. You will need to create a Scribd account to get the full text, but it is free.

Wow, I love the posts!

Hi everyone, I have loved reading your posts so far, and I can’t wait to talk to you in class on Thursday. In case you didn’t know it, teachers often get very nervous before meeting a class. At least I do. But in this case, I feel more like I am nervous because I am […]

Reminder about class requirements

Posted by on Sep 6, 2013 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Hi Everyone, Thanks to Vita and Caroline for getting the ball rolling with blog posts. I want to remind everyone that since this is a hybrid class you are required to participate in the class forum. You can think of that as our online classroom. Please join conversation there by the Monday prior to a […]

Week 1 Round Up

Posted by on Sep 3, 2013 in Announcements, Get Started | No Comments

Hi Everyone, Happy September! As a regular part of class, every Sunday I will send out a roundup and reminder of what’s on the horizon. Welcome to class and thank you to those who have posted introductions so far. If you haven’t had a chance, please do it soon!  Auditors, it would be great if […]