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Triptych – “In You We Trust”

Body Image Insecurities- Kevin Zhigun

The Evolution of Beauty Standards by Briana Fevrier

The Black Experience Through Media Evolution

Media has undergone unprecedented change all whilst remaining stagnant with the same principles. This triptych explores how the black experience has been depicted amongst said change.

Toxic Friendships – Laura Kuksa

Stages of Friendship by Ivona Kulusic-Ho

Eye Am In Control

Transcript: Hi, my name is Carrie and my Triptych uses a house to display the past, present, and future of information sharing.  In the past, information sharing was…

The Wage Gap In America

Welcome to your Arts in NYC project space

This site will house your STEAM projects and more. Be sure to add yourselves to the course site in the lefthand sidebar. I’m looking forward to working with…