Reading Response #1

Change and industrialization has led to the development of many North American cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia and to the constant upgrading of cities today. At the beginning of it all, the United States could be seen as an urban nation, however, in the present that is what it has become. Trading centers and location have been a major role in contributing to the success and development of many cities. Soon this led to the arrival of immigrants from various nations leading to a melting pot or “crazy quilt” pattern that characterizes so many American cities such as New York City today. However, this soon led to deterioration in the quality of life with many people moving into the suburban areas. This has only been spawned by the advances in technology such as trains. This quick and cheap transportation not only opened gateways for the “suburban dream,” but also allowed to access to many other major cities. This,also, led to the widening gap between the rich and poor (analogous to previous readings). However, even today that gap is still not lessening. I really found the history of the development of New York City as the most interesting (mostly because I’ve lived here all my life). Asides being known as a financial hub, New York has been shaped by many immigrants that arrived here. The postindustrial economy is what is remaking New York, particularly with the age of new technology. While there has been an improvement in the quality of life in the city which includes construction projects in areas like the South Bronx, not all of the city’s residents are benefitting from the post industrial process. Furthermore, this leads to two unequal lifestyles in which one is a well-paid white collar professional and the other a low-paid worker.I find it intriguing how a city like New York adapts to its changing economic structure and the influx of population. The acceptance of people from different ethnicities has contributed in part of the success of the development of the city culturally and economically. There are in parts failures and successes that characterize the dynamic New York City we know of today and those of many other major cities as well.

Discussion Question: Would this growth of a postindustrial economy continue to lead this rebuilding process in American cities, such as New York City or a much more collective approach is needed to shape or lead to the continual development of American cities?

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