Community Planning

There are a lot more factors that have to be considered when considering different community planning ideas than you would think. The readings stress the idea that you should define what a community/ neighborhood is before trying to go in and change everything. Communities are more than just houses and economic structures. And not all neighborhoods are created equal. Some locations accept their current social/ economic state and do not attempt to change it. Others are filled with members who believe, together, that they can make positive change. When trying to community plan one must keep in mind which type of community that one leans towards.

Progressive planning keeps regional and global ideals in mind when planning out a community. They strive for “local and global equality” while keeping the environment in mind. This is important because communities aren’t mere buildings, they can also include parks and gardens. The land itself is very important, especially in a place as dense as New York City. I was surprised by the fact that different social issues are taken into consideration when planning, issues such as feminism. This, however, makes perfect sense. The things that are changing and happening around the world, especially issues that involve minorities and women, are vitally important when planning a community because we don’t want to isolate groups of people. Instead we should strive to build communities that celebrate all different cultures, background, and income levels.

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