Recap of 3/18 discussion

IMG_1324IMG_1325 Monday we started the section of our course called “crafting a critical framework” by discussing the concept/importance/contradictory nature of community, community development, and community control (through DeFilippis, Saegert, and O’Connor).  Today we incorporated the concepts of community organizing (through DeRienzo) and community planning (through Angotti) into our critical framework- making sure to be clear about what we mean by these different modes of community practice (and what we mean by community).  After briefly reviewing each of these concepts (which were beautifully engaged in your reading responses this week), we took stock of our personal and collective view on the name of the problem(s) we are addressing in this course, the root causes of the problem(s), and of what can/should be done about the problem(s).  Throughout this section of our course, we will engage with various concepts that should help us to enhance our abilities to understand, articulate, and engage with the above- in our class, in your projects, in our everyday lives.

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